Published on November 14, 2003 By frombrandon In Welcome
Hey guys,
I just had to tell you all that I love you. I know I say it but I think because of everything that happened yesterday it may seem that I don't mean it and just say it. Well, that is not true in the slightest bit. I will have you know that you are wonderful guys. You are better than just about everyone I know and I love you all with all my heart! So perhaps there has been somethings that have happened and I have felt like no one cares....and and and.......but that doesn't take away from the fact that I love you. I will always love you and nothing and no matter how you guys act you will not stop me from loving you more all the time. I am kindof glad that at least I was able to get everything off my chest that I so foolishly have not communicated to you. I am sorry. Very very sorry! I am going to try and do my best to make sure for better or worse that I say what is on my heart from now on and really communicate my feelings. Especially cause you all deserve a chance to explain yourselves when I misinterpret something. And I truly do want to understand you all....I am not very good at it and it is going to take me lots of time and effort but I feel for me it is worth it because I will be gaining wisdom from you all so that I can better serve the nonchristians and christians here when you leave. I want to utilize all the wisdom and love and greatness about you all so I can be a better person for everyone here. Again, I think you are all 3 amazing guys and I will forever feel that way about you. I hope that we grow closer because of this instance. And I really am sorry
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